Friday, July 30, 2010

a dream is a wish your heart makes.

A few things I've been dreaming about lately

potion ankle boot by jeffrey campell $144.95 (sold out)

daskal wedge boot from aldo shoes $69.98

These Jeffrey Campbell Potion ankle boots (top) have been the object of my obsession for quite some time now. But they are a wee bit out of my price range, not to mention you cannot find a pair to purchase anywhere. The pair on the bottom are Aldo's more affordable (read make my bank account happy) version and are on sale, so come next paycheck those pups will be mine.

chiffon oversized button-up from american apparel $58

It has been insanely hot here in Tallahassee this month and all I want to wear is nothing. But since that is illegal the next best thing is clothing that is loose and airy. I've seen this button down on numerous ladies whose blogs and style I admire and look to for inspiration. I think Tallahassee should prepare itself to experience this look on me. I've seen some on said ladies' fashion blogs that they got their button-downs from H&M which I can imagine are fairly inexpensively priced, but since they don't sell their clothing online I may be forced to buy it from American Apparel (shown above). I want it in black and navy!

red baggy trousers from pixie market $92

Red Hot Mamma, Laci, a friend of mine who writes the blog I throughly enjoy following, the linden buzz. She recently had a post about incorporating red items in her wardrobe and now I cannot seem to get it out of my head. Especially since I have been wanting red trousers for what seems like and eternity now. Since I am poor and have to resort to thrift stores I have yet to find the perfect pair.

vintage brown leather backpack on etsy already sold

vintage brown mini leather pak for sale on eBay, current bid $17.10

Backpacks are some sort of wonderful/comfortable. I'm considering making the switch from purse to backpack. Since I already insist upon only wearing purses with straps long enough to wear across my chest versus on one shoulder. I think a vintage looking brown/tan leather one from the 80s or 90s would be ideal. To me it gives off the "well-traveled" vibe. I want to be a flight attendant when I finish school so one day I can be well traveled. For now I can just look the part with a weathered leather backpack.
501 roll-up denim shorts in black by levi's

I've been on a serious hunt for some black denim shorts. By serious hunt I mean going to the Goodwill weekly to see if any have come in. Yesterday I scored some great white ones which were immediately cut shorter. They are just great every day shorts that look good, and help make the unbearable weather a tad more bearable.

vintage coral oversized blazer on etsy $18.00

When they weather gets a bit cooler I most certainly want to incorporate a peach or pastel pink over-sized blazer. I find the juxtaposition of the dainty and delicate colors made into a structured menswear quite edgy and interesting and there for must be worn on my body. (And MK has been photographed is wearing one so it has to be cool!)

picture sent to me via my buddy amanda, i dont know who this is but homegirl has some bitchin'  hair

I have always wondered what I would look like with blonde hair. Recently, I have been yearning to get it all bleached professionally. So that when it grows out I can then have blonde hair and black roots and everyone will think I look super chic or super trashy. Both of which I am perfectly fine with.

This is enough for right now. I will post another one of these wishlists later.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

my jeans don't fit me any more.

But Tana's jeans do! I got to wear her white ripped ones last night. I love them, I need my own pair. They will be worn again on a night where pictures are taken.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

nay cracks me up.

We went to Rokbar, for Tina's birthday last night. There were bottles of vodka and champagne with fireworks on them. There was dancing on white leather couches. There were friendships made with random girls in the bathroom I will never see again. There was a late night phone call that let me know someone had to be thinking of me. Ultimately, there was an unexpected but very much welcomed good time. Happy Birthday Tina!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

this face

I always want to squeeze Mamasito's face so hard and rub noses with him. And when I get a mouthful of his fine hairs its so worth it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

holy smokes.

Savannah was fantastic.

Saturday Ashleigh Marissa and I got a late start but it was a surprisingly short drive. We got to Carley's apartment without getting lost. All the buildings were so old and beautifully preserved. Went to a bar down town called Hang Fire (although I kept calling it Hang Time), and had a blast. Ashleigh ran away from us and spent the night in a dumpster, but that wasn't surprising. We collected her from her new friends on Sunday afternoon. I had this incredible pork burrito at this Mexican restaurant called Cilantro's on Bay Street where we met Amanda and Greg for a quick hello before they left back to Tallahassee. And then, before we knew it, it was time to get ready for the Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's concert! Words cannot describe the magic that was their performance. Nick and they boys from Yo Soybean got to Savannah just as the concert finished, because they were actually playing at Hang Fire on Monday night (crazy right?). We went to a karaoke bar and drank, laughed some and even danced to the cupid shuffle. Monday morning came too soon and it was time to head back to Tallahassee. The moment we left we already missed Savannah, I'm sure we will embark on another journey there again in the near future.

Friday, July 9, 2010

2 more days until E. Sharpe.

On my test today my teacher asked us to write a Directional Hypothesis between money and happiness, and then to briefly explain it. So I wrote "The more money someone has the less likely they are to be happy." And my explanation, "Biggie said it best when he sang 'Mo Money Mo Problems', money can lead to an increase in a number of problems which is highly likely to cause unhappiness".

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the cure to a hangover.

Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich. I will pass this lesson on to my children.